Thursday, 16 June 2011

The start of a list!

Okay, so as I said in my first blog I wanted to do some creative things, and have now came up with a few things, ta da!
  1. To learn The Cave - Mumford and Sons on Ukulele. Okay, so I got my Uke during the Easter holidays and really can't play a single thing... I'm trying though! I really have had no musical ambition up until now, and have realised how talentless I am, but it will be done!
  2. Writing and recording (with hopefully help from some friends) an actual song!
  3. Okay, so this one is kind of silly, but I want to learn to make 100 things using origami! Purely because it's always interested me but I only ever have time to create small things and then usually I forget...
  4. To draw/paint/getartfunky something that means creativity... Okay so that sounds kind of lame, but I hope to fill this a really big canvas full of as many different styles of art which all send the same message...
  5. Learn French! I used to do French in school, but as a bad pupil I skived it a lot and dropped it at the first possible opportunity. Only now am I seeing the value of what I lost, I can speak enough French to keep up basic conversation, but I want to be able to say things like, 'That Unicorn is looking rather rampant today!' I'll give you a French phrase a week to keep you up to date with that?
Okay, so it's a start, obviously some things such as learning The Cave on Ukulele can't be done in a month from the fact that I really suck and it's way beyond my ability, so I've decided to change it from doing a creative thing a month to a hundred creative things over the course of the next two years, but obviously I will show project progress every month, add photo's or tell you about how far I've gotten in certain things just to keep you guys interested and show I'm focused...

Just to let you guys to know that this month is purely dedicated to developing that list so don't expect to see anything on it yet (Well, maybe the French...)

Feel free to e-mail me any questions or suggestions at

Buenos dias!

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