Sunday, 6 January 2013

I want to travel.

I've lived in England for almost 12 years now. Half of that time spent where I currently live, and I've got to say, I AM BORED. I want to leave, I don't even care if I just explore more of England, I just want to get out and explore. I don't want to see the same faces, the same streets, or go to the same places as I have been doing for nearly seven years. I have this sense of adventure that I just can't seem to brush off. This massive desire to pack a few things and just disappear. How amazing would that be, to just leave all your worries behind. To forget about the monotony of your life and vanish into thin air. I constantly think about how amazing it would be just to go and explore everything I could, even if it involves living on the street, the idea of how spontaneous and how adventurous seems like a dream to me. So yeah, my only official new years resolution is to travel more, to experience more and to just get out This is the only thing I know for a certain that I want to do with my life, is travel. I just needed to get my desire to travel out of my system. Jeff